【勇担国际传播使命 讲好中国故事】—— 任静光!




Ren Jingguang was born in 1962 in Cicheng Town, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province. He is an outstanding Chinese painting artist, a senior researcher in calligraphy and painting, a national first-class artist, and a special artist for the Chinese state guest ceremony. He is now the art consultant for the design of Chinese philatelic products, the specially invited artist of Beijing Jiangxiang red culture exchange center and the "image ambassador for inheriting the red gene", the vice president of Beijing jinghuage calligraphy and painting academy, the member of the academic committee of China Chinese and foreign celebrity culture research association, the member of China Artists Association, the member of China couplet society, the executive director and calligraphy and painting expert of China couplet calligraphy and Art Research Association Vice chairman and visiting professor of the Council of the Art Committee of the China Democratic Construction Association, editorial board member of the new literature and art of the new working committee of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, member of the ink painting and Calligraphy Academy of China Education Television, painter of the Haishu District calligraphy and Painting Academy of Ningbo, etc. Chinese painting works have participated in dozens of exhibitions at home and abroad and won awards. They have been collected by domestic cultural institutions, museums, archives, enterprises and friends at home and abroad.







Ren Jingguang loved painting since he was a child. He has been taught, guided and instructed by famous teachers and masters such as Zhang Xiuzhen, Xu wengdi, Ling Jinren, he Yeqi and Kong Zhongqi. He graduated from the Oriental College of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts in 1986. For a long time, he learned from the sages and nature, devoted himself to learning, hard exploration, inheritance and innovation, and his personal artistic style is very distinctive. He integrated his feelings for nature and the perception of modern society into the painting, so that the work has an intriguing picture artistic conception, full of artistic appeal, giving people visual shock and beauty, spiritual infection and sustenance. His traditional Chinese painting art with both national spirit and contemporary style has made new contributions to the inheritance, development and development of China's traditional art, and demonstrated the historical value, academic research value and appreciation and collection value of his works.








个人艺术作品与艺术成就被载入《境界——人民眼中的艺术家》、《中国艺术大家》、《圆梦中华 时代楷模》、《浓厚文化内涵的传世精品》、《中国美术选集》、《人民喜爱的书画家》、《中国书画领军人物》、《名家档案--走向国际的华人艺术家》和《名家收藏--时代丹青 翰墨华章》等典籍及文献文史选集和多种限量珍藏版中国邮册邮品个人专辑等,并在《中国书画文化报》、《人民艺术》、《民族艺术》、《书法报》、《书画市场报》、《科技文摘报》、《国际商报》、《中国收藏时报》、《国际商会联合报》及《消费日报》等报刊上发表。由于取得了突出的艺术成就,被中国有关文化机构、艺术组织和主流媒体机构分别授予“中国美术百杰”、“中国百强书画名家”、“中国书画事业成就贡献奖”、“中国当代实力派艺术家”、“中华民族杰出艺术家”、“中国当代德艺双馨艺术家”、“改革开放40周年书画艺术传承推动者”、“民族文化艺术传播大使”、“2019年度影响力书画名家”、“2020中国当代优秀人民艺术家”、“时代精英人物”、“人民心中的大师”、“走向国际的华人艺术家”、“杰出文化传承人”和“2020年度书画作品最具收藏价值艺术家”等荣誉称号 。

His personal works of art and artistic achievements have been recorded in the realm - artists in the eyes of the people, masters of Chinese art, a model for realizing the dream of the Chinese era, handed down boutiques with strong cultural connotation, selected works of Chinese art, calligraphers and painters loved by the people, leaders of Chinese calligraphy and painting The archives of famous artists -- Chinese artists going to the world, the collection of famous artists -- calligraphy and Chinese seals of the times, and the personal albums of various limited edition collections of Chinese philatelic products, were published in China calligraphy and painting culture daily, people's art, national art, calligraphy daily, calligraphy and painting market daily, science and technology digest International business daily, China collection times, United International Chamber of Commerce, consumer daily and other newspapers. Due to its outstanding artistic achievements, it has been awarded the "top 100 Chinese art masters", "top 100 Chinese calligraphy and painting masters", "achievement Contribution Award for Chinese calligraphy and painting", "Chinese contemporary powerful artist", "outstanding artist of the Chinese nation", "Chinese contemporary artist with both virtue and art" by relevant Chinese cultural institutions, art organizations and mainstream media institutions "Promoter of calligraphy and painting art inheritance on the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up", "ambassador of national culture and art communication", "influential calligraphy and painting master in 2019", "2020 Chinese contemporary excellent people's artists", "elite figures of the times", "masters in the hearts of the people", "Chinese artists moving towards the world" "Outstanding cultural inheritor" and "the artist with the most collection value of calligraphy and painting works in 2020" and other honorary titles.







CCTV art commentator: Mr. Ren Jingguang studied hard in the dark sea and finally realized that he had something to gain between change and invariance. Only by changing, can his landscape painting reflect the distinctive characteristics of the times and a new personal style; Unchanged, can make its landscape painting retain the essence of tradition and express strong national style characteristics and profound aesthetic connotation. Looking at every landscape painting of teacher Ren Jingguang, it is vigorous and moist, deep and secluded, giving people a sense of atmosphere. His pen and ink are ancient and vivid. There is a rhyme in the ink method and a aura in the movement of his pen, reaching the realm of "vitality dripping, barrier still wet". Remove the dust and turbidity from the chest, and the gullies will naturally camp inside. It is in a clear, empty and quiet mental state that is integrated with nature, embodies the true nature of mountains and rivers, has an open mind, uses the aura of mountains and rivers, eliminates the worldly mind, and cleans the spiritual state of the heart sea with the charm of nature, which illustrates the "clear taste image" called by the ancients. He got his way from the mountains and rivers, stored ink, displayed on plain paper, expressed the ease in his chest, and expounded the road of heaven and earth. Because of this, the paintings that not only show the natural charm, but also full of landscape style and landscape spirit are meaningful.







Pan Shenliang, Shan Guoqiang, LV Changsheng (calligraphy and painting expert of the National Palace Museum and the Museum of Chinese Revolutionary History): Mr. Ren Jingguang's bamboo brushwork is rigorous and natural. The bamboo stem is strong, like the upward movement of bamboo. Bamboo branches are elastic in change, with extraordinary bearing and rhythmic beauty. With dense leaves, it expands wildly in all directions, flying in the air according to the situation, with dragons and Phoenix dancing. It gives people a sense of Cangyi natural and unrestrained, and shows the author's profound attainments in painting. Mr. Ren Jingguang's landscape style is like flowing clouds and water, with accurate modeling and high spirits. The charm is beautiful, delicate and elegant. We can learn from nature, innovate boldly and become our own family.









